Branch registration in Lebanon

Political communication is one of the most effective opportunities to participate in foreign countries and this country has been an appropriate opportunity for foreign companies to export their goods and services.
The presence of valid brands, extensive construction and expanded investments of Arabic countries have caused that reputable brands of goods and services launch a branch.

Difference of branch and agency
Agency is an office which helps technically in the markets and relates to expand public communication. According to the law, this type of office does not have business activities, so the agency office is not considered as a part of the company`s tax.
But the branch can do business activities (except the cases that law in a specific way or a legal condition is exclusively for Lebanese citizens or companies), so the branch includes tax payments.

Executive requirements:
• Arranging a power of attorney
• Designating an office or branch director
• The minutes of board of directors to apply for branch registration
• Translation of registration documents of parent company
• Registration takes 30 to 45 days.

Legal requirements:
• Director of branch must have residence certificate if he is not Lebanese.
• The necessity of designating a counsel
• They must file a tax return after 2 months from registration, otherwise they will be fined.


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