Company registration in Turkey

Growing structure of this country and open-door economic policies have provided the grounds for foreign investments in Turkey. Turkey is an appropriate communication bridge for participation in European countries.
Turkey has provided the grounds for attracting foreign investments and services by open-door economic policies and registration of company 100% owned by foreign applicants.

Executive requirements
• Renting a place
• Arranging statute
• Obtaining a tax code from the Turkish Tax Administration
• Registering company in chamber of commerce
• Publishing official newspaper
• Inspection of the Finance Department from company`s office.
• Getting a business card
• Confirmation of accounting offices
• Opening a bank account
• Introducing an official financial consultant

Legal requirements
• Original passport of each partner (more the 6 months credit)
• Two 4×3 photos (brightly colored)
• Some suitable chosen names for company
• Determining the stock`s percentage of each partner of company
• Determining the company`s manager (or the both partners)


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