Sign registration in Iraq

Iraq is the best exporting opportunity for Iranian companies in the region. Border and culture proximity has provided the grounds for extensive cooperation between the two countries.

The process of sign registration in Iraq
Iraq is not the member of Madrid agreement so it is necessary for active brands to register their name and trademark locally. Name and trademarks are registered by applicant`s designated lawyer in Trademark Registration Office. We remind that now, according to Iraq rules, the applicant is not allowed to register the sign and only a lawyer which is in the Iraqi Bar Association can do it.
In Iraq, trademark is registered based on different class goods from international classes.
Manufacturers should always consider trademark registration because the lack of caring about this point may make challenges for manufacturing and importing goods in Iraq markets.

Executive requirements
• Presenting required documents for registering trademark to Trade Registration Office.
• Reviewing submitted paper by Trade Registration Office
• Announcing the date of re-referral to announce the result of checking the mark based on the date of submission of the request by the Trade Registration Office
• Inserting information related to name and logo of brand in the application form.
• Announcing initial agreement to applicant (It is necessary to explain that according to trademark registration laws in Iraq to preserve the language, if the brand name is Arabic, it is referred to Scientific Assembly, if it is Kurdish, it is referred to Dar al-Thaqala and Kurdish language publication, if it is a sign of historical work or history, it is referred to Organization of Cultures and Works and if it is religious, the name is referred to Shiite and Sunni endowment court to review.)
• Receiving the letter from applicant, paying the stamp fee and presenting the receipt to Trade Registration Office.
• Providing commitment to Trade Registration Office if it is required.
• Paying the cost of registering brand considering number of requested classes.
• Registering number of mark
• Registering initial agreement according to requested class and material.
• Sending email for paying the cost of publishing the mark done by Trade Registration Office for applicant.
• Paying the cost of publishing mark by applicant and submitting the receipt to Trade Registration Office.
• Publishing the mark in Ministry of Industry and Mines
• Sending email of payment for issuing the certificate to applicant by Trade Registration Office.
• Paying the cost of issuing the certificate by applicant.
• Submitting the receipt to Trade Registration Office by applicant.

Legal requirements of brand registration
• The logo in question must not be an official, governmental, national sign, such as the Red Crescent logo, the flag of the country, the security forces, and so on.
• The mark itself or a similar one must not have been registered earlier.
• The mark does not contradict public decency.
• Marks do not consist of public names and phrases which are banned to use by Iraq government.
Brand validity period
Now, validity period of trademark registration document is 10 years based on Trade Registration Office announcement. It can be extended for the same period but the applicant has to request extension before two months left to expire. If so, brand registration certificate will be issued with the new period after publishing in Ministry of Industry and Mines website and plaintiff`s absence.


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